Saturday, 23 February 2019


MentorsMentors by Russell Brand
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A good book. Don't judge this book by its size, this book. This book contains some condensed in some cases summarised versions of his book Recovery, but it is not the same book.

This is part Russell's thank you to people who have mentored him, and mainly the importance of mentoring and finding the correct mentor. He goes through the characteristics needed, as well as what he learned and then passed on to people he has mentored.

Their is a great chapter on his experience of parenthood, as well as dealing with every parents worst nightmare.

If you are looking for a quick easy read this is not the correct book. It is deep in some places, light hearted in others. Unlike in Revolution where Brand spoke of a revolution to come, but himself was not sure where he was not sure which side he would be classed on when it did come, he know exactly where he stands on the topic of mentoring. How important it is, what people should look for, and it works. He uses himself as an example to illustrate what mentoring has done for him and allowed him to do for others. Like a good teacher, a good mentor not only guides, but never stops learning from those he is helping.

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Saturday, 16 February 2019

Nightblood (Frostblood Saga, #3)

Nightblood (Frostblood Saga, #3)Nightblood by Elly Blake
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is very good book. I really loved the first 2 books of this series so it is possible that my expectations for this book were too high. If the first 310 pages were at a little faster pace I would have easily given this book 5 stars, but these pages were just a little too slow for me. The last quarter of this of this book was amazing I could not put it down.

I do understand why the book was done like this, there are subtle changes in Ruby's character. It was a clever idea that even though Ruby is narrating the book there are times when as the reader I was not sure if how much influence the Minax was exerting.

This is great ending to the series. I would have given this series 5 stars. This book is a good conclusion, slightly slower then the other books, but building up to the main event that defiantly did not disappoint.

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Cosmic Ghost Rider: Baby Thanos Must Die

Cosmic Ghost Rider: Baby Thanos Must DieCosmic Ghost Rider: Baby Thanos Must Die by Donny Cates
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I was quite disappointed in this comic really. The back story I found more interesting than the actual story. The best thing I liked about this story is the comic is the art work. Also small things like Cable getting older every time he comes back from the future. As good as he look in Ghost Rider form. The part that annoyes me his language. Can any really picture a cosmic spirit of vengeance calling someone "dude"?

Ok if anyone was to be changed into a Spirit of Vengeance it would be the Punisher. The one of the many confusing things in this comic is in human form he seems very much like you would expect displaying his violent tendencies, but in Ghost Rider form he is pretty much all about restraint, and talkinging like at teenager (yes I mentioned it again, it really annoyes me).

The question asked in this book is if you had a chance to kill a the baby version of the vicious mass murderer in the universe while they were a baby would you?

I would have actually preferred if the showed the adventures or the origin of this Frank became the Ghost Rider to the Cosmic Ghost Rider rather the this mixed bag of a story. Sometimes great artwork is not enough.

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Homegrown Hero: A funny and addictive thriller for fans of Informer

Homegrown Hero: A funny and addictive thriller for fans of InformerHomegrown Hero: A funny and addictive thriller for fans of Informer by Khurrum Rahman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Fighting your Destiny

A great sequel, I enjoyed this book every bit as the first book. In the last book Jay was forced into a into a world hatred. Learning family secrets playing the cards life dealt him. In this book Jay has a much smaller role, but this is an opportunity to meet new characters. All damaged from their past and either trying to escape or find their future.

This books starts a couple of days before the epilogue of the last book. Some great twistsin this story, the darkness is offset with humour (mainly from Jay).

Great book, with great characters, I know a write has done a great job when I can feel sorry for or hope for a way out for the characters no matter what the have done. I can't wait to see what happens next.

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Sunday, 3 February 2019

Belle: Beast Hunter, Volume 1

Belle: Beast Hunter, Volume 1Belle: Beast Hunter, Volume 1 by Dave Franchini
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book was better then I thought it was going to be. I would have given it 3.5 stars but to was on the right side of good instead of ok to deserve a round up.

Like all the Zenescope titles the characters is as far away from original as possible. Belle is not exception. This is not the bookish, poor girl who everyone likes, this is a smart mouthed heiress, trained to take over the family business. The business just happens to be hunting beasts. However what happens when the hunter becomes the hunted?

The story is very action packed, and fast paced. The only problem is it is too fast paced to the point of the story being too rushed. I had keep flipping the page back to see if I missed a couple panels or the pages were stuck together. Sadly this was not the case they just moved on fire one chaotic event, to another chaotic event, to a flash back then back to the chaotic event. The action and artwork did make this an enjoyable read for me. Personally if this was an 8 issue series to have more space for the story this would have been perfect. However compressing everything into 6 issues hurt the story. Though I enjoyed it and want to see what happens next.

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Positively Unstoppable: The Art of Owning It

Positively Unstoppable: The Art of Owning ItPositively Unstoppable: The Art of Owning It by Diamond Dallas Page
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

62 years young, and still got the BANG!!! I have been a huge DDP fan since I saw his first match, i though he was a great performer. As much Sting was known as the franchise of WCW, DDP has always been the workhorse of. As much as I though he was awesome performer even I never thought he would go on to achieve everything he has gone on to achieve.

I really thought that me being such a big fan, who has already heard Dallas' amazing life and career story before, I would not enjoy it this time round. WRONG!!! I got goosebumps reading DDP run from manager to champion. Proving all his naysayers wrong again and again.

DDP lives his gimmick. I can't even say it better then DDP does. He was taught to become DDP by every event that occurred in his life. This mean is accepts/owns his life experiences. He calibrated the posititives, and learns from the negatives.

His message is amazing you can truly achieve anything if you first believe, but secondly (possible more importantly) put in the work, then thirdly not give up.

The book is in almost 3 parts, first is the shifting of the people's mindsets, second DDP's life, and lastly food (I did not say diet). There are success stories throughout the book.

I am a strong believer in work ethic over ability, possible why I relate DDP so much. I really like the message and formular of the book and DDPY, a success story goes on the inspire others to succeed to inspire.

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Christmas with the Kings (The Kings of Guardian)

Christmas with the Kings (The Kings of Guardian)Christmas with the Kings by Kris Michaels
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The secret gathering

I great catch up story. Definitely a filler, about some important character information for the series. Unlike other filler book the amazing thing about this book (book 11.5), is even though my antisipition of book 12 was sky high already, now it is blown through the stratosphere.

Unlike the other Kings of Guardians books that when it is not completely necessary to read other book to enjoy them, in this book it is a requirement. As many of the characters in this book will not have the same meaning to readers as fans who have read the whole series.

This is not an action oriented book. This is a rare time 95% of Kings, their extended family and significant others have a chance to be together. So leave it to the "wildchild" of the family of wild alphas to forward their own agenda, and pull the majority of the family into it.

I have always loved the character development in this series. One of my pet peeves of other series (Spider-man) is when writers seem to forget or disregard what happen before. It is like the characters is in an ageless bubble and learned nothing from their past experiences. So I love the fact how these characters have matured and yes even ages to me it makes the seem even more real and relatable. Now PLEASE bring on book 12!!!

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WWE: Women's Evolution

WWE: Women's EvolutionWWE: Women's Evolution by Dennis Hopeless
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A great story of tenacity and achieving your dreams. I know I really liked this story because I did not even know who Bayley is. I simply became a fan of hers and her struggle through this book.

There is a great mix of action and story in the book. I like that in the comic universe that the wrestling matches are real.

This a a great underdog story. It is great being part of the woman's revolution in wrestling, but what happens when you are told you are not good enough or good but not to be great? Then your "friends" are picked over you. Do you do things the easy way an accept that, or the hard way, taking your lumps night after night.

A great story of of never giving up on your dreams, even when other have already made up their mind of you. A touching inspirational story.

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Drake (Kings of Guardian #11)

Drake (The Kings of Guardian Book 11)Drake by Kris Michaels
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Going solo

Another great Kings of Guardian Book. Draken and Dixon have been a staple in every book in the series so far and too my endless shame I have always seemed as one character to me. I am glad that they got their own books to tell the differences between the two of them, but also their amazing connection as twins.

Drake has always been the big brother but for the first time in a long time he and his brother are sent on separate missions to. Is breaking up the team supreme a bad idea? Not really especially as it gives them both a chance to grow as well confronting their tourcheted past.

Like the other books in the series the main characters of the previous books return to support their brothers in arms in this book. However the book as always the book can be enjoyed as a stand alone book. Though it is best it is best to read the other books to get the great back stories.

Unlike the other book this books this does feel a bit more of a two parter, not surprising with the twins involved. I really like that the book gave me more insight into Draken and him a chance to discover his own happiness and I hope his brother gets the same chance.

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Dragon Ball Super, Vol. 4

Dragon Ball Super, Vol. 4Dragon Ball Super, Vol. 4 by Akira Toriyama
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A great Dargon Ball Super book. This is different to the cartoon series, I really like that they try harder to to explain why and how certain things happened even from earlier book.

I especially like the was more technique and tactic are used in the fight it is not just that the character suddenly becomes more powerful, the training to strengthen their bodies to become stronger, but the fight IQ to see weakness in their opponents, and the best use of their powers to overcome these weakness, as well as secrets about certain characters is revealed.

A great addition to the series I can't wait to see what happens next and where the comic go from here.

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Star Wars: Pirate's Price

Star Wars: Pirate's PriceStar Wars: Pirate's Price by Lou Anders
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A good book that I enjoyed much more then I thought I would. Narrated by Honda Ohnaka (Disney era Star Wars' answer to Jack Soarrow).

I know this book is aimed a younger readers but it is still great for older Star Wars fans that have been their from day one.

The book contains 3 stories. The first an aging Honda is drawn into a heist (or is is the other way around) by a young Han Solo, Chewbacca and a mystery woman.

The second story is rescue attempt of and post Return of the Jedi Han and Chewie.

The third story takes place post the Last Jedi, I don't think their are any real insights to happens after the Last Jedi but good story.

An all round good book enjoyable, and I am really glad Han did shin in the first story. This is really Honda's book establishing him a lot more.

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Vigrash the Clawed Eagle

Vigrash the Clawed Eagle (Beast Quest, #70)Vigrash the Clawed Eagle by Adam Blade
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A very good Beast Quest book. It was action packed and lots of elements to this book, but I am not sure that they fit together, but I might be being a bit hasty as there are still a couple of books left in this series/quest, but I just can't see how yet I just hope it is not rushed.

I actually like in this book that Tom is a bit older and tougher as well a bit more intimidating. I think with all his accomplishment this is a bit overdue.

As much as I liked the action and adventure in the story, there seems to be too many threads that I don't see fitting together.

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East of Hounslow

East of HounslowEast of Hounslow by Khurrum Rahman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The minority are not with the majority

A great book. It feels a bit like Snatch with muslin narration. Three things I really like about this book are:

The characters. Everything about this book feels authentic. I really like the characters struggling with their identity, values and living their everyday lives. I think everybody who grew up in London could find the character traits from the characters here in someone they knew. Just normal everyday Londoners.

The locations. If you have been to London you will know what every place in this story look like. The touches of the London tragic and getting a Death in the train brilliant.

Separating the terrorists from the Muslim community. Yes unfortunately these people exist but they are in the minority. Also really highlighting their hypocrisy. One of the most powerful chapters of this book is when a character give a very positive lecture (for appearance sake), then turned it round to justify evils act in his minds.

A great book, a good message, and educational about Islamic practices as well. If there are more books to come in this series I can't wait to read them.

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