Tuesday, 31 July 2018

Legion: Skin Deep by Brandon Sanderson

Legion: Skin Deep  (Legion, #2)Legion: Skin Deep by Brandon Sanderson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A great book. Legion is a great character. Is he a genius or a crazy person? Is he a hero or is he out for himself, and who is in control Steven Leeds or his Aspects? One thing he is not is boring. The book and plot are extremely well thought out.

The story finds Steven trying normal things like a blind date, they trouble is Steven is never alone and normal is not one of his qualities. The interaction between his and his aspects is great, and their own flaws simply make him/them more interesting. I like the was the Legion is tested in this book. We see limits and flaws on his "powers".

I have always love the way the subconscious mind works, and this is a great (fictional) example of how it works. The mystery is great and the development of the character is great. In the last book Legion, seemed to learn a new skill, in this one he seems to take a step forward in interaction with his Aspects, but then is thrown a step backwards. Showing their is so much to be done with the character. I can't wait to see what happens next.

View all my reviews

1 comment:

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