Tuesday, 31 July 2018

Legion: Skin Deep by Brandon Sanderson

Legion: Skin Deep  (Legion, #2)Legion: Skin Deep by Brandon Sanderson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A great book. Legion is a great character. Is he a genius or a crazy person? Is he a hero or is he out for himself, and who is in control Steven Leeds or his Aspects? One thing he is not is boring. The book and plot are extremely well thought out.

The story finds Steven trying normal things like a blind date, they trouble is Steven is never alone and normal is not one of his qualities. The interaction between his and his aspects is great, and their own flaws simply make him/them more interesting. I like the was the Legion is tested in this book. We see limits and flaws on his "powers".

I have always love the way the subconscious mind works, and this is a great (fictional) example of how it works. The mystery is great and the development of the character is great. In the last book Legion, seemed to learn a new skill, in this one he seems to take a step forward in interaction with his Aspects, but then is thrown a step backwards. Showing their is so much to be done with the character. I can't wait to see what happens next.

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Sunday, 29 July 2018

Kajin the Beast Catcher

Kajin the Beast Catcher (Beast Quest, #68)Kajin the Beast Catcher by Adam Blade
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Another good book from the Beast Quest series. The story was ok, a bit of a filler, some good action but just not great. My kids really enjoyed this book, but the problem we all had was that in the story is that the Beast was evil and ferocious and cunning and at many times throughout the story he could have killed anyone of the heroes, yet he let them go they "escaped". I did expect more from the book but it was still good just not great.

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Friday, 27 July 2018

Dragon Ball Super, Vol. 3: Zero Mortals Plan

Dragon Ball Super, Vol. 3: Zero Mortals Plan (Dragon Ball Super, #3)Dragon Ball Super, Vol. 3: Zero Mortals Plan by Akira Toriyama
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A lot more story then I usually get in a Dragon Ball series/book. It was a bit of a surprise, a nice surprise, but a surprise none the less.

Most of the book concentrates on the investigation of the identity and origin of Goku Black. This spans universes, and time. The book also shows what has been going on in the future since Trunks destroyed the androids in his time line. The action does not really start till thee last two chapters and the fights are much more detailed then the previous issue. Though the Saiyans have a habit of enjoying a fight too much to strike the finishing blow. I can't wait for the next part of this battle.

I great chapter of the Dragon Ball Super series, more story driven then the other books/episodes in the but in a good way, then a decent fight to finish this chapter off, and a great spring board for the next book.

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Thursday, 26 July 2018

William Shakespeare's The Force Doth Awaken (William Shakespeare's Star Wars, #7)

William Shakespeare's The Force Doth Awaken (William Shakespeare's Star Wars, #7)William Shakespeare's The Force Doth Awaken by Ian Doescher
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A very good book, I enjoyed it, but there were parts of the book that was just seem a bit slow to me. This book also inherits the faults of the other book in this series. As much as things are added to the dialogue and story they cut the action and fight scenes (I hate that).

One thing is I did enjoy this book then that actual Force Awakens book. The Force Awakens book left out many of the lines from the movie. As the author says in the "Afterwords" watching the movie he kept thinking where to add an "aside" or more dialogue to add to the story. This I done incredibly well. I also like how some extra character were mentioned in this book, one from Aftermath series, and one going back to the New Hope. The is a bit of an inside joke of how similar the Force Awakens and a New Hope actually are. I also like the illustrations in the book, I like the art work but am not crazy about the costumes if the characters. Hat on droids, why?? I was glad the Chewie was given a translation in the notes, what I do not get is why not do this for BB 8 as well?

An all round good book, it does add to the movie for me but I do wish the fight were not cut down so much. I also think this does add a great foundation to the Last Jedi version of this series.

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Monday, 23 July 2018


Legion (Legion, #1)Legion by Brandon Sanderson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Another great book by Brandon Sanderson as usual. Insanity, madness and genius go in hand in hand. There is a thin line between each of these and they probably more intersection between them them people want to admit.

Steven Leeds has been call all three. He is a hot property to be studied as he is for his services. When a world changing price of technology goes missing he is recruited to get it back. This is a detective story with a twist on the deductive principle. I really like the clever ways Sanderson show the power of our subconscious mind at work in this story and perceptions as our reality. This is a great little book I can't wait to read the next one.

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Sunday, 22 July 2018

Rogue & Gambit: Ring of Fire

Rogue & Gambit: Ring of FireRogue & Gambit: Ring of Fire by Kelly Thompson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Ok I admit it I am biased. Gambit is my favorite X-MAN. The noticed the spark between him and Rogue from the first episode of the 90s X-MEN cartoon series. Getting into the comics seeing all the history between the two of them made me want them to be together even more. Now with so many of my childhood/comic book couples broken up nostalgia get the better of me with these two.

Romeo and Juilet have nothing on these two. With all their ups and downs, the perfect mission come up where these two can do some good as well as work out some of their issues. Some physical therapy as well. The art work is ok to good and the story is good, you would not mind a few more fights and if this was anyone else (with the exception of Peter and Mary Jane Watson), I probably would have given this 4 stars but is it Rogue and Gambit this is a must have for any fan of these two. There is a cover of each issue cover and a variant version but there is no cover gallery at the end. A good comics that gets an extra star for my biased opinion and nostalgic mood.

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Saturday, 21 July 2018

Brown's General Knowledge Quiz Book Volume 1 UK Edition: Over 2000 Pot Luck Pub Quiz Trivia Questions

Brown's General Knowledge Quiz Book Volume 1 UK Edition: Over 2000 Pot Luck Pub Quiz Trivia QuestionsBrown's General Knowledge Quiz Book Volume 1 UK Edition: Over 2000 Pot Luck Pub Quiz Trivia Questions by Lewis Pearce
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I received a free a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. I have not connection to Lewis Pearce.

To be honest this is the first quiz book I have ever reviewed, in fact it is the first quiz book I have read from cover to cover. Despite the size of the book it is heavy reading especially if you like to take in as many fact as possible. It probably was not the best idea to try an play along (against myself) while I was reading it. The biggest ego crush was playing against my kids. If you ever saw that show "are you smarter then a 10 year old", my answer would be not by much and in some quizzes not at all. However it was much more fun to play/lose to someone else, which is the point of the book I think, hence the high rating.

The book consists of the 150 Quizzes. Each one is 15 questions long. A great variety of questions thrown into the pot for philosophy to pop culture and history to historical fiction to name bit of the range. Even classic literature to computer/video games. Fun to play and learn from, just not as much fun to play/read on your own.

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Thursday, 19 July 2018

Fugitive Six (Lorien Legacies Reborn #2)

Fugitive Six (Lorien Legacies Reborn #2)Fugitive Six by Pittacus Lore
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A very good book and continuation of the series. The only reason I gave this book 4 stars instead of 5 is because the first 2/3 of the book are very slow. I can see why this was done this way to show the characters growth and maturity. Also when you have 9 characters to develop in the same book it will get a bit slower. Just of the pace of the book is what made this very good instead of great.

The other thing I really like about this book is the classic X-men style of the book. The themes of racism, not fitting in and not knowing who to trust. Along with saving the world in many cases from itself. The are more appearances of the old heroes, but these are small, and I think that was the right decision because they would have overshadowed the Earth Grades, not allowing them to develop as much.

The last 1/3 of this book was beyond awesome. Lots of action revelations flying fast, and lots of action. Then then ending promising huge things to come. I can't wait for the next book. this was a bit of a setting the scene, but also showing the new characters so grow and make their own decisions.

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Sunday, 15 July 2018

Earth and Earthlings (The Quick and Brutal Guide)

Earth and Earthlings (The Quick and Brutal Guide)Earth and Earthlings by Moses Guru
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. I have not connection to Moses Guru.

The truth. This book is truly different to any other book I have read. Moses Guru is as enigmatic and intelligent a writer as the character in the book. The book is a blend of scientific (neurological, psychological, and philosophical) theories, mixed with hard truths, and subjects usually hidden away from. The "Brutal" part of the title of the book refers to the honest of the characters.

On the surface the plot of the book is pretty simple. A lone gun woman walks into a bank, holding it up. Releasing most of the staff, allowing herself a manageable number of hostages. However what does the woman really want? Now held at gun point, these people from different walks\class of life and society, people who would never bother to even speak to each other in the outside world, are held at gun point, and force to discuss and discover theories of life and hard truths. However who is in control? How does the calm and intellectual hobo Moses fit into this scene?

There are many unanswered questions in this book, more then enough for sequel. the book is fast paced, and though they is not much action, it more them makes up for this in heavy discussions. Argued from both sides of the arguments. Some of the most interesting conversations I have ever read. I would love to see more.

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Sunday, 8 July 2018

Desolation (The Keystone Bone Trilogy Book 1)

Desolation (The Keystone Bone Trilogy Book 1)Desolation by Jesper Schmidt
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received a free copy of the book in exchange for an honest review. I have no to Jasper Schmidt.

I enjoy this book. Jasper definitely has a talent for dramatic writing and squeezing as much tension and suspense into a chapter as possible. Even if there is not that much action on that chapter I still could not flick the pages fast enough.

Life has been hard Aea and the Durian people in general. Their green blood, connection to the forests and the inability to travel across the lands without succumbing to a deadly illness. They are both persecuted and overlooked by many. Now they find out many of their legends might be real with devastating results for Aea personally. Also these legends have their own boogiemen.

A very good setup story. Now with most of the characters in place and war looming I really hope the next book is more action packed. Jasper is not shy about killing off main characters. So that safety net is well and truly gone.

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