Tuesday, 29 May 2018

The Lawful and the Prohibited in Islam

The Lawful and the Prohibited in IslamThe Lawful and the Prohibited in Islam by Yusuf Al-Qaradawi
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A very good book, that is well written, informative, thought provoking and practical. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi has me interest from the title and his introduction where he stated that this book was not just going to be a list of what is Halal (allowed) and Haram (prohibited) in Islam. He said right from the start that his is a very tricky topic the not even many Islamic scholars agree on many of the topics.

The only one who can truly make something Halal or Haram is Allah. Though as Muslims we are also told to hold the Prophet Muhammed’s (Peace be upon him) life and Hadith (saying), as the upmost example. However not even he could choose what was to be Halal or Haram. His personal preferences are strongly recommended or strongly advised against.

My favorite think about this book is the practical examples and how the Quranic verses fit into to modern world though the were written in the old world. Also how scientific evidence backs up these verses.

This is a great book for anyone wanting to increase their knowledge of Islam, understanding the inner workings or people like me who want to know WHY certain things are Halal or Haram as well as the recommendations of what should and should not be done.

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