Wednesday, 26 December 2018

Brief Answers to the Big Questions

Brief Answers to the Big QuestionsBrief Answers to the Big Questions by Stephen Hawking
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A great book, by a great man. I had heard the name Steven Hawking, but never read any of his theories. Simply for the very reason the something coming from the smartest men of the previous 2 generations would be overly complicated and beyond my understanding. What I discovered in this book is Steven Hawking was just a great man as we was a scientist, but an incredible teacher as well. His method of writing allows people like, who have a passing interest in but only a vacation of his ability in science to understand his work. This skill cannot be understated as if the most knowledgeable person in the world cannot comuninate their knowledge it is list with them. Sort of like sending it into a black hole.

The book is easily readable, Hawking' s dry wit and sense of humour makes reading and learning from it a pleasure. The metaphors on this book allowed me to grasp the basics of even the most complicated theories easily. Though I differ from him from a belief perspective, I do respect his ideas and I think like any great teacher Hawking would have welcomed this difference of opinion as a show of curiosity towards finding the truth.

I am sure his views, and more in-depth theories will go a long way towards solving many of the great world wide problems highlighted in this book that we face today.

I would recommend this book to any. It is a great read, and I don't thing anyone can read this book without learning something from it or seeing something a different way. Also it give a great insight into Steven Hawking as a person for people who know him best or colleagues of his, but from his own writing style. He has a great sense of humour, and amazing determination. This is a great final word and goodbye to a man who's theories will inspire many and live on far into the future. One day some of these theories might even become scientific laws one day.

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Friday, 21 December 2018

Fire and Blood: A History of the Targaryen Kings from Aegon the Conqueror to Aegon III as scribed by Archmaester Gyldayn

Fire and Blood: A History of the Targaryen Kings from Aegon the Conqueror to Aegon III as scribed by Archmaester Gyldayn (A Targaryen History; A Song of Ice and Fire)Fire and Blood: A History of the Targaryen Kings from Aegon the Conqueror to Aegon III as scribed by Archmaester Gyldayn by George R.R. Martin
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I was expecting a lot more from this book. The book reads like a history text book. This is by design, I think to make the book feel more authentic, but this works too well as it comes across a bit dry and boring. It took me a long time to get through this book simply as at time I just did not feel like reading more then a few pages at a time. I can actually say I know the Targaryen family history better the our actual royal family's.

I do have to say there were a
couple is stories like Argon I and king Jaehaerys that were really good, and there were hints of things that have not yet been seen in the main series, as well as more of the big families of the realm and free cities. Lots of brutality that Game of Thrones is known for.

The main thing that made this a 3 star book rather that 2 for me is the art work. Doug Wheatly did an awesome job on the illustrations. All in all I think only very "leal" of fans or historians will actually enjoy this book.

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Saturday, 15 December 2018

WWE Original Graphic Novel: Undertaker: Undertaker

WWE Original Graphic Novel: Undertaker: UndertakerWWE Original Graphic Novel: Undertaker: Undertaker by Dundas
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Call me biased, or nostalgic I don't care. The Undertaker, The Dead man, The Phenom was a huge part of my childhood and early adult life. There is a reason he was so successful, loved by us fans, and respected by every member of the WWF/WWE locker room or any wrestler ever.

This comic is a great look back at key moments of his career and "life". Not all of his great moments have been caputred simply as there are just too many. In comics in ring stories are real. There are plenty of action shots of the Takers signature moves and poses, and his different looks over years. The book finishes with the Taker having a sense of peace, this is definitely how I would like to remember him. I really don't think he has anything left to prove in the ring, and it would really be sad for a legend like him to only be brought back to job for an up and coming youngster, but

"It's in the blood"

So we never know. This is a great tribute/Thank you story, a must have for all fans.

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Rise: Surviving the Fight of My Life

Rise: Surviving the Fight of My LifeRise: Surviving the Fight of My Life by Paige VanZant
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A very different book to what I was expecting.  On the surface Paige VanZant's life seem like everything is great. She has the job she loves, with many perks and endorsement.  She seems like to be a happy go lucky all American girl. However the scars on her spirit are internal. Despite her battles in the Octogen, her life has been her greatest battleground.

Paige's story is a dark tale, and a testament to her strength of character that she came out the other side but that she has actually survived let alone thrived. Only probably the last quarter of the book is dedicated to MMA, but the story of her struggle carries a very important message to others going through similar situations. If she can inspire others to talk about their situations rather the suffer in silence. I know I was invested in the book as I could feel my blood boil at the thought of a victim being made out as the villain. I did have one question of the book, at the beginning Paige mentions a brother but, he seems to be no support whatsoever and stop seem to disappear completely, or us just not mentioned at all on the book.

A very good book. Not what I expected, till I read the intro. I am a big believer in the positive mental effects of martial arts and am very glad she found this to be the case and a lifeline. It does scary me that things like this can actually happen, such bullying and abuse can go on, unnoticed, unchallenged and unpunished. I really hope someone reads this and us inspired to be themselves and not suffer alone.

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A Secret or Two About Me and You

A Secret or Two About Me and YouA Secret or Two About Me and You by Moses Guru
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received a free copy of this book in exchange for a honest review. I have no connection to Moses Guru.

A very good quick read. The book follows a similar template of the re-comandments, but where as the other book were written in the style of interesting conversations, this is more bite sized information. Lots of interesting ideas, some of which will be familiar to people who have read Moses Guru's other books.

A good little book, it does fit well into the self-help category, and part psychology. I do really like the simple explanations, making the book easily digestible.

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Sunday, 9 December 2018

Smuggler's Blues

Smuggler's Blues (Star Wars Adventures, #4)Smuggler's Blues by Cavan Scott
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This book was slightly better then I thought it would be. It two, two part main stories, and a single story.

The first main two parter, was features the young Han Solo and Chewie. I quite enjoyed this story as it showed Han actually using tactics, as well as his blaster and his ship. In usual Han fashion things seem to go from bad to worse, but Han manages to come out on top. An ok to good story.

Of course whenever Disney seem to do a Han story Lando cannot be far behind. Lando has gone straight now can he inspire the next generation to to do the same? An ok story not really any surprises in it.

The final story involves a character who look like Bucky O Hair, but has a Han Solo complex. This was another ok story, with a couple of cameo apperences, but I really did not see what the point if the story was.

All in all an okay collection of short stories, okay but nothing great.

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Montana Guardian: A Guardian Security Novella

Montana Guardian: A Guardian Security Novella (The Kings of Guardian)Montana Guardian: A Guardian Security Novella by Kris Michaels
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Another great book, even though the actual Kings of Guardian do not make more then a cameo in this book. This is a great short story. I am sure the their is a link to the main story line in here. Could be a puzzle.

Kris Michaels has a knack of getting me to really care about her characters, no matter the length of the book. This one is no different even though I have read of one of the characters as a cameo in another book. Van' s is a great story. It was the the short story I needed right now.

There are some disturbing themes of abuse in this book. I think they were necessary for the story, but we also see the Kings will bend a couple of rules to help their friends. Great quick read to be enjoyed as a stand alone or part of the series.

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WWE: Then. Now. Forever Vol. 2

WWE: Then. Now. Forever Vol. 2WWE: Then. Now. Forever Vol. 2 by Eric Harburn
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I bought this book out of simple nostalgia and is did not disappoint. The book covers some of the most prominent debut, returns and moments in WWE/WWF history. I can't say I loved the artwork in the book but I did remember most of the moments well (more WWF stuff).

I really do like the way these comics are written as if the "characters" played by the wrestlers are real. The book contains legendary debut, returns to glory, retirements, and some stories that are just there to fill space. It is really because of stories like these "Goobiltgook", that I took a star off.

One story I will I must coment on is the first one. The Montreal Screw Job. This is told from the Shawn Michaels character point of view, and paints Shawn as a bit of a victim here. This as a proud Bret Hart fan I cannot stand for!!! Yes it is no secret that Bret and Shawn were never good friends, and had a personal rivalry, and yes wrestling is a business. Though Shawn in his own words was VERY involved in the planning of the "Screw Job". Read the introduction of his first book Heartbreak and Triumph for an account of what happened.

Great to see my old faves and including "Phenomenal" new talent, we well as reliving great moments. Just slightly spoiled a bit by a couple of pointless stories and a bit too cartoony artwork. I wish the art work from the cover galley or cover art was used on the inside as well.

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Understanding Our Cosmos: The Philosophical Way

Understanding Our Cosmos: The Philosophical WayUnderstanding Our Cosmos: The Philosophical Way by Bhaktee Kale
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I recived a free copy of ths book in exchange for an honest review. I have no connection to Bhaktee Kale.

A good little book. I am not a philosopher, so I like the simple format of the book and the arguments are well thought out, and the writing style is more of an easy discussion format. Which I also like, rather the continuous quotes of what some philosopher said. There are some quotes but the quote is discussed and explained. In a theory format so nothing can be taken as fact.

The only down side is it is a bit too simple on some places, and in one chapter I think the author went on a tangent then came back to the topic. Also I am not sure of the title, there is not much talk of the Cosmos in the book. Unless the author includes us all as cosmic and God as a cosmic entities.

I think the simple format is great for non hard-core philosopher types like me, to them it probably would seem too simple, but I quite liked it so it deserved a round up rather then down.

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Thursday, 29 November 2018

Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do: Jeet Kune Do Techniques and Fighting Strategy

Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do: Jeet Kune Do Techniques and Fighting Strategy (Self-Defense Book 6)Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do: Jeet Kune Do Techniques and Fighting Strategy by Sam Fury
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I recived a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. I have no connection to Sam Fury or Diana Mangoba.

I really enjoyed this book and it very concentrated and informative. I the Sam Fury and Diana Mangoba have down really well in this book is Bruce Lee's idea about making the Martial art its own. I have read other book by Bruce's student that held the man in such high regards that they saw Jeet Kune Do as Bruce Lee's art (which it 100% is), but everything had to be done the way Bruce did it. This to me actually goes against the whole principle of JKD, as it is about personalising the Martial art and it's techniques to yourself. There are very few people as physically and mentally gifted as Bruce Lee, and he made based this art and his personal fighting style on what worked and highlighted what he was best at. So if something worjs better for me why unlearn what I am good at to copy another person's style which does not play to my strengths. Bruce himself said

"Take what is useful, disguard what is not"

The authors of this simple put it as
"What works for you, might not work for me".

The other one of Bruce's principle that this books gets over very well is to keep things simple. JKD is based on fewer techniques but doing them well another Bruce quote (not in this book), is

"I do not fear a man who knows 1000 kicks, but the man who has practiced a kick 1000 times".

To this end the book keeps shows a few simple techniques, with easy to follow instructions and illustration. The book does also have a few simple drills. I also like the way that different techniques from different martial arts are blended together.

This is a short, simple, but informative and I think true to Bruce Lee's original principles in creating JKD as well as adding the authors own ideas and experiences. A very enjoyable and practical book.

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Sunday, 25 November 2018

20 Diamond Rules for Ultimate Well-being

20 Diamond Rules for Ultimate Well-being20 Diamond Rules for Ultimate Well-being by Ashraf Haggag
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I received a free copy of this book in exchange for a honest review. I have no connection to Ashraf Haggag.

I really enjoyed this book. It is a short but straight to the point. I might be biased as many of the points in this book, are very much in line with my own way of thinking. It was great to have many of them reaffirmed and made me look at things in a slightly different way.

The message of each of the 20 rules might be simple, but that is why they are so effective. I also like the fact the Ashraf discusses a practical method of how to achieve each rule. Then at the end of every chapter he add famous quotes for each rules.

This is a great book, with a great message. It is simple and effective. Short but straight to the point. It reminds me of SMART targets. Specific, Measurable, Agreeded upon, Realisable, Time bases. Everyone of these rules falls into these categories which makes them so effective.

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Friday, 23 November 2018

Health and Wellbeing

Health and WellbeingHealth and Wellbeing by Moses Guru
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received a free copy if this book in exchange for an honest review. I have no connection to Moses Guru.

I really liked this book. Moses Guru presents facts in a great conversational manner making the easy to remember. The only one thing I did not like is I think the book was too biased in one direction. This was the vegan point of view. As a meat eater I would have like someone to show all thing in moderation would have been a better way to go.

What was brought up is even vegans do need certain supplements in their diet. I did like the that exercise in conjunctor with diet is needed to maintain a healthy life style, but I don't think enough was made of this point.

A good book full of useful facts, with great conversations and easy flow writing. This my personal opinion I prefer people to write the way they speak. Maybe that makes me weird but I like it. Another thing that I was a little disappointed about was I did not get more insight into who Moses Guru (The character) actually is, especially from the last chapter of the last book. However a very good read.

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The Brave and the Bold: Batman and Wonder Woman

The Brave and the Bold: Batman and Wonder WomanThe Brave and the Bold: Batman and Wonder Woman by Liam Sharp
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Was a bit disappointed in this book. There were good parts to it but I think it could have been a out better. The art work is good, it actually grew on me the more as the book went on. The story is ok. I did like the Irish fairy tale feel of the story, and I liked. I do like when an author brings their cultural background into a story, though many of the characters did look more Scottish to me then Irish.

The part I think did let the story down us that it was pretty slow then rushed to the point that I felt things were left out. I was also very disappointed by the final battle. The thing a few more pages on these parts were needed.

All in all an ok story and possible a start/setup for more to come. Good artwork. Though I would have liked to have slightly smaller panels if it freed up more pages to fill up gaps in the story.

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Tuesday, 20 November 2018

The Man of Steel

The Man of SteelThe Man of Steel by Brian Michael Bendis
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Wow, what did Superman do to upset Bendis. Ok I will admit I am not a Superman fan, but I got hooked by the hype of Michael Bendis writing Superman. Unfortunately this book just reinforced my opinion of Sups, but even I felt sorry for the "Man of Steel". Short of what the Joker did to him in Injustice this total dismemberment of every aspect of Superman's life is pretty much all he need for a villain turn.

3 major event are happening devouring Metropolis and especially Superman. His life professional and personal is wrecked. There is a mysterious arsonist on the loose, and the main villain with a goal to destroy the whole Kryptonian race. This is another thing I did not like this guy had Superman at his mercy a number of times but just left him there. I also did not like the way the stories were drawn out all of this could have been done in half the number of issues.

I don't think I will be back to see where this run goes. Very disappointing after all the hype.

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Vortex Control Self-Defense: Hand to Hand Combat Training Manual

Vortex Control Self-Defense: Hand to Hand Combat Training ManualVortex Control Self-Defense: Hand to Hand Combat Training Manual by Sam Fury
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I received a free copy of this book in exchange for a honest review. I have no connection to Sam Fury.

This is a good and easy to read book, with good illustrations to help with illustrate the techniques.

The problem I had with the book is the whole thing us based very much on Wing Chun. This for people who have some experience of this art form. It might be too complicated for people without that experience simply looking for self defence techniques. My other problem is especially towards the end of the book there are a lot of lock and even a choke. Now as good as any book is locks should never be practices straight out of a book, also I do not think that are the most efficient method of self defence as they only work 50% of the time anyway. Chokes should never be practices without an experienced instructor present. This is because you could practice them just the position and they will not be effect if used, or you can squeeze too hard and injure your partner. Also all the illustrations show the attacker coming from a Wing Chun starting position. This is not likely in an attack format.

I wish more of the book was like the first chapter I though that was the most geared to effective self defence. This is a great into to Wing Chun but I don't think it is the most efficient yo self defence.

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Batman: Sins of the Father

Batman: Sins of the FatherBatman: Sins of the Father by Christos Gage
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I did not think I would but I really did like this book. Not the Batman I am used to used to. Actually it pretty much was the Batman and Gotham City I was used to the difference was in the Wayne family. Thomas Wayne was not the pillar of Gotham he was portrayed to be. In this world he was more of a monster then the people Bruce has dedicated his life to taking down.

I did not like the art work, but it grew on me as the story progressed. The story was actually well done. The only think I really did not like was Bruce Wayne could not have made it more obvious that he was Batman. This was on the same level as Clark and his glasses as a disguise as Superman. That is the only reason I took away a star.

In this story Batman was done spot on. His planning, precision and his dedication to justice. I even liked the way Bruce was continually trying to make amends for his father. Now he is faced with his dark reflection.

An awesome story of breaking the cycle. With a couple of silly mistakes otherwise it would have been perfect.

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Dragon Ball: That Time I Got Reincarnated as Yamcha!

Dragon Ball: That Time I Got Reincarnated as Yamcha!Dragon Ball: That Time I Got Reincarnated as Yamcha! by Akira Toriyama
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This book was a lot better then I thought a bit shorter then I thought as well. I would you have given this 3.5 stars, but I thought it deserved a round up rather then down. Except for one thing.

A Dragonball super-fan finds himself in the body of his faverite but underwhelming character. He know Yamcha's potential is limited, and not with a memorable ending. Can he change things?

All in all a good "What If" style story. A bit on the short side, but the actual thing that annoyed me the most about this was they rushed and forwarded through the fights. That is the only reason I had to take an extra star off. A pretty good idea thought.

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A Flight of Broken Wings

A Flight of Broken Wings (The Aeriel Chronicles, #1)A Flight of Broken Wings by Nupur Chowdhury
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received a free copy of this book in exchange for a honest review. I have no connection to Nupur Chowdhury.

I very good book. An excellent story, it started a bit slow but this changed in the second half of the book. I wish there was a bit more action in the book, but I do see that Nupur chose story over action and I believe this was the correct choice.

The main character Ruban is not so much likable but I do like his development through out the book. I think giving characters their own issues to deal with and overcome makes the more of a hero.

The side characters are there for support and do their jobs, but do not add a great deal to the story. One thing I did really like about Nupur's writing was the way she added her own cultural references to the book. I always like when an author does this, it adds a bit authenticity to the book.

The story. 600 years ago humanity defeated an immortal race called the Aeriels. Now to them the only good Aeriel is a dead Aeriel. However the Aeriels have not been idle, and with their immortality they are in for the long haul. Though are all the Aeriels the same?

This is a great story, a little slow to begin with, but that is more to do with empire building. I would be interested to see what happens next or more of Nupur's writings.

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Hunt for Wolverine

Hunt for WolverineHunt for Wolverine by Charles Soule
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

An ok comic collection. Working towards the Return of Wolverine.

The story begins with an attempt to steal Wolverine's body. However the X-Men have a secret, yet even they are in for a surprise.

So what has happened was his body taken for nefarious purposes? Or did he just get up and walk away? This is Woverine after all, and in any case how. That is what 4 different teams set out to find out.

The first team is lead by Daredevil. This is a part I really did not understand. Out of all the chacters in the book this team has the least to do with Wolverine. Daredevil himself is not know as an investigator. He does the smart thing and and gets a couple. However only one person on this team has anything of a connection to the man himself. Ok story 3 stars.

The the second team are Logan's former colleagues in the New Avengers, who made a promise of him. A good but sort of long winded story. Probably because the characters involved my faverite of the four.

The next team are the people who hate Wolverine/Logan the most they are looking to bury him. Yet are they falling into a trap themselves. I found this story a bit of a waste and dull really. 2 Stars.

The X-Women are traveling to the Island of adventure to find any clue to Wolverine but run into their own trouble. 3 Stars.

Then the wrap up and extracts of Marvel Legecy 1. I left the book more confused then I started it. Never a good sign. What worries me is they have 400 pages to get the setup done the actual return issues is 5 issues, they are going that to rush through the what's and how's plush deal with the return in a much smaller issue. I would say unless you are a huge X fan go straight for the return. Possible the New Avengers story but I would not recommend it to people looking for answers.

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Thursday, 15 November 2018

Batman: The Dark Prince Charming

Batman: The Dark Prince CharmingBatman: The Dark Prince Charming by Enrico Marini
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Great story and art work, more of an adult Batman story. Which I think is great and I this there were more like this.

The only thing I did not really love about this was I think in the story Batman was written a bit too sloppy. This could be explained because he is angry so he makes mistakes. I also do not like how obvious the make the similarities better Bruce and Batman.

This is a great Batman story with much more adult theme and artwork. All this fits the story perfectly. I would give this 4.5 if the characters were a bit close to there cores this would have been perfect. Though this an international take on Batman so even thst I can understend. Definitely worth a read.

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Monday, 12 November 2018

Kingdom of Ash (Throne of Glass, #7)

Kingdom of Ash (Throne of Glass, #7)Kingdom of Ash by Sarah J. Maas
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I had impossibly high hopes for this book. I make no secret that this is my faverite book series. Yet somehow every book just seemed to get better then the last. Could SJM possible do it again. Yes she can, and she did. Wow what an epic finale.

The book is a perfect length, though close to a thousand pages not a single line is wasted. Every possible loose end is tied up. Every hint or hidden story leads to this masterpiece.

The story is awesome, the character development and use is unreal. Every characters' moderation and reasoning is spot on. Every character has something to contribute. However we still know who the hero of the series is.

Action, adventure, suspense, and such intense emotion evoking writing. This could not have been done better. As made as o was for having to wait a extra couple of years for this book to come out it was worth the wait. I cannot find a single negative thing to say about thus book. Except the series is over. Though I think almost any surviving characters are good enough to have their own book (hint/begging).

Aelin/Celaena is my faverite female character of all time. Strong, deadly, intelligent and most of all she "will not yield". I love that quote and I honestly do not think it can be applied better to any other character.

This is an awesome finale to the most awesome series, after reading that all other game of thrones are secondary. "The Queen that was promised" delivers big time.

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Monday, 29 October 2018


Timeless (The Legend of Drizzt, #31)Timeless by R.A. Salvatore
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A great returns. R A Salvatore returned to the character he made great 30 years ago, who in turn also made Salvatore great. This story has many mysteries some are solved here, but this is really a set up book with huge ramifications to come.

After centuries the legendary Drow Zaknafein has returned to life. How? Why? Who did it? All questions asked. Is this a gift or a part of a longer game? In the last couple of centuries much has changed but to Zaknafein it was just yesterday since he took a deadly acid bath to save his son. How will he reach to the changes in the world, and will he even be accepted into the new world and lives of the people he knew?

The story is a setting the stage type of a fair, but the action is amazing. The are a couple of fight between Drizzt and Zaknafein that are worth the price of the book on their own, then the final act is just incredible.

The book also shines light on the past between Zaknafein and Jarlaxle. I am glad Jarlaxle also has a good share of the spotlight he has more then earned it. I also like the evolution of Drizzt's warrior prowess and his attitude. This is a great new start for Drizzt and much more to come.

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No Is a Four-Letter Word: How I Failed Spelling But Succeeded in Life

No Is a Four-Letter Word: How I Failed Spelling But Succeeded in LifeNo Is a Four-Letter Word: How I Failed Spelling But Succeeded in Life by Chris Jericho
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A good part motivational part memoirs style of the book. The two strongest things I found of this book were:

Chris using his own life achievements to give his real world examples of many motivational quotes or sayings, we older people, have heard many times over, and youngsters will hear, and showing how he used that to achieve one of his goals. To me it did not seem like he was bragging but felt more like he was saying "I acchived my dreams you can too". This is great especially in a motivational book and him memoir to illustrate the point works perfectly.

The second is Chris has a really talent of mixing pop culture references, and telling stories/memoirs with them. This definitely makes old quotes and sayings seem more cullent and relivent. Sort of how he keeps updating his on screen character to be the same way.

There are many positives I took away from this book. I actually found it eerie while reading this book how many similar situations pop up in my own life. No I do not run into or hang around with Chris' celebrity friends, but things like how to deal with your boss, taking a risk, or even doing something that might pay dividends in the future. Things like this do come up daily.

Something else that is fine very well is Chris knows his audience. He knows the majority of his fan base is from wrestling, so he gives plenty of his insider stories from the wrestling business, mainly WWE but do mention wrestling around the world and info as well. Also for the heavy metal fans there are plenty of stories from or of some of the biggest rock icons of all time.

The only reason this book was very good but not absolutely great for me was because, it lacked a sort of inspirational spark all movatiinal books need. An example is Chris would give advice, show how this helped do something in the WWE then the rest of the chapter would continue the story. So sometimes for me the inspirational side would get list in me reading the story. I could be said the it is a testament to his story telling that I as a "constant reader",(read the book to see what they means), got so list in his storytelling.

A very good book, and a great mix of story and movatiinal styles. A lot of great stories and I really like the I achieved my dreams so you can too message. Just missing a little something to make it amazing.

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The Myth of Hastinapur

The Myth of HastinapurThe Myth of Hastinapur by Rahul Rai
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I have never been a fan of Mahabharat, and that is probably the only real reason I took a star off. I am sure to fans of it this would be a 5 star book. I will say reading this book has made me want to take a look at the show.

From what I know about the series if is 1000 episodes or something. That is a little too long for me. Rahul managed to get to the important parts and even highlight things and characters that might have been missed out. As there a huge cast of legendary characters in the series.

The book is great for people who want a summarised version of the series or fans of the show that want to see more or new sides to their favourite characters. Another thing done well is the way each chapter is written like a short story, but tgey are all interconnected.

A very good book slightly more for the fans but there is nothing wrong with that. I look forward to see more of Rahul's work.

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Star Wars: Lando's Luck

Star Wars: Lando's LuckStar Wars: Lando's Luck by Justina Ireland
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Very disappointed in this book. I am not even a big Lando fan, but even he deserves better than to be portrayed as a two bit con man at best, a grinning idiot with luck on his side at worst.

I have no problem introducing new characters into the Star Wars universe, but I hate having established legends completely up staged but these characters.

Lando comes across as a cape wearing pansy all style and no substance at all. He needs to be saved from every situation he gets himself into. In fact apart from his name on the cover to sell the book I really do not see the point of Lando even being in the book.

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Batman: White Knight

Batman: White KnightBatman: White Knight by Sean Gordon Murphy
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is an awesome story. This is the best comic mini series I have read in a long time. The blurb at the back said that this was

"Unlike anything we've seen before".

For once this is not just hype. This is truly unlike any Batman story I have ever read. Every Batman fan has heard of the Joker and everyone has an option on him. Now I met Jack Napier, and he could be even more dangerous then the Joker.

Removing the Joker' s insanity was one thing the made this comic great, the second ingredient was removing Batman's conscience and support system. This makes for a much darker, dangerous and reckless Batman. The artwork is great an suits the story perfectly. It is a great mix of old gothic art work and new technology at the same time. The surprises are actually surprising. They were definitely not things I saw coming. Everything was great from beginning to end. Even though this was a elseworld like miniseries but I would love to see where this story goes from here.

Every chapter starts with the issue cover, then the cover gallery at the end has the varient covers of issues 1 to 8.

I loved this series, if I had one complaint about this book it would be that I would have liked more of Batman in the story, but the way the story is set out I know why it was done this way. Super awesome story and I can think of someone who should be the next White Knight. Read this book then join me in begging for a sequel please!!

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Wonder Woman: Earth One, Vol. 2

Wonder Woman: Earth One, Vol. 2Wonder Woman: Earth One, Vol. 2 by Grant Morrison
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

What a disappointment. I did not like the first volume of Wonder Woman Earth One so I can't really blame anyone for me not enjoying this one. I figured it could not be as bad as the first one and in fairness it is not but it is close. The story or lack of story is boring, the whole thing is disjointed, and jumps from place to place. I actually 're-read pages not because I enjoyed them but because I did not think that I could have missed so much between pages.

To be honest I really do not understand what the point of this story was. I have to say it is probably the most boring Wonder Woman books I have read. The main bad guy seems to set out to prove that for all of her strength and power Wonder Woman is still "just a woman", and the worst part is he manages to break her.

Then just as the story starts to show some promise it ends. I hate leaving stories unfinished but I definitely have to consider if I want send any money on the next book. In both volumes this incarnation of Wonder Woman acts mire like a free love hippy guru then a champion of justice. I definitely would not recommend this book.

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Dragon Ball (3-in-1 Edition), Vol. 14: Includes vols. 40, 41 42

Dragon Ball (3-in-1 Edition), Vol. 14: Includes vols. 40, 41  42Dragon Ball (3-in-1 Edition), Vol. 14: Includes vols. 40, 41 42 by Akira Toriyama
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A good collect, I enjoyed and liked how much the characters have developed since the beginning, but I did feel adding extra reversals was just prolonging the story rather then adding to it.

Goku makes his Super Sayian inaugural appearance. One thing that was explained better in the book then the cartoon was the reason why Goku did not use thus in his earlier fight. Also I noticed Goku's motives are not always as pure as I was lead to believe. A good collection and a decent ending, but because of what the book was written it was set to lead into GT rather than Super.

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Dragon Ball 3-in-1 Edition, Vol. 13: Includes Vols. 37, 38 39

Dragon Ball 3-in-1 Edition, Vol. 13: Includes Vols. 37, 38  39 (DragonBall, #37, 38, #39)Dragon Ball 3-in-1 Edition, Vol. 13: Includes Vols. 37, 38 39 by Akira Toriyama
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Z fighters return to the Strongest under Heaven tournament. If is the new generations turn. The only thing that made this good rather then great is in a tournament there is no real competition. None of the others is even close to the Saiyans power level. I did find the thus version of Boo really annoying. I know it is still part of the passing the torch but I never did like grown up Gohan I thought he was much better as his kid version.

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Dragon Ball (3-in-1 Edition), Vol. 12: Includes Vols. 34, 35, 36

Dragon Ball (3-in-1 Edition), Vol. 12: Includes Vols. 34, 35, 36Dragon Ball (3-in-1 Edition), Vol. 12: Includes Vols. 34, 35, 36 by Akira Toriyama
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Great all out action. Finally it is time for Goku Vs Cell. Finally a hidden power that has been hinted at if finally unleashed. Great action I heard from some one this was supposed to be a passing the touch story, I can see that in this story but like most people I an glad the went back to the original formula.

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Dragon Ball 3-in-1 Edition, Vol. 11: Includes Vols. 31, 32, 33

Dragon Ball 3-in-1 Edition, Vol. 11: Includes Vols. 31, 32, 33 (DragonBall, #31, 32, #33)Dragon Ball 3-in-1 Edition, Vol. 11: Includes Vols. 31, 32, 33 by Akira Toriyama
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A very good collection of Dragonball. This more of a set up collection. I know what they were doing, but I did want more action. I did like the weakness in the just pain strength department. This issue is more about the prices in place. For the games to come. This makes this slowed down collect necessary. Even to be fair there were a couple of big fights in this collection I would give it 4.5 stars but I hate to say it it was just a bit too slowed down.

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Dragon Ball (3-in-1 Edition), Vol. 10: Includes Vols. 28, 29, 30

Dragon Ball (3-in-1 Edition), Vol. 10: Includes Vols. 28, 29, 30Dragon Ball (3-in-1 Edition), Vol. 10: Includes Vols. 28, 29, 30 by Akira Toriyama
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A good collection of comics. This comic did feel very rushed. The Freeza Saga was ending, then Trunks and the Android saga starts, and we meet Cell. It was a rush to get all it was a rush to get all these things covered, also this cut down on the action. I understood the saga a little better, I think the comic gave the androids more time to establish their personalities. The only down side for me was a slow setup the a rush to cover everything leaving some bits out.

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Dragon Ball (3-in-1 Edition), Vol. 9: Includes Vols. 25, 26, 27

Dragon Ball (3-in-1 Edition), Vol. 9: Includes Vols. 25, 26, 27Dragon Ball (3-in-1 Edition), Vol. 9: Includes Vols. 25, 26, 27 by Akira Toriyama
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Finally Goku has fulfilled his destiny. Though his warriors pride still overrides his intelligence. A great action packed collection. I have to admit the continues "turning tables" did get a bit Nnoying but it did make for exciting reading. Anyone who sees the cover would know what was to happen in this book. So I regret saying Goku achieves a incredible new power level of legendary proportions. A great battle by everyone against overwhelming odds. Freeza unleashes his full power finally but someone is there to meet him every step of the way. I remember getting goosebumps the first time I saw this on the screen, and I got them reading this even though I knew what was going to happen. One of my favourites of the series so far.

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Dragon Ball (3-in-1 Edition), Vol. 8: Includes Volumes 22, 23 24

Dragon Ball (3-in-1 Edition), Vol. 8: Includes Volumes 22, 23  24Dragon Ball (3-in-1 Edition), Vol. 8: Includes Volumes 22, 23 24 by Akira Toriyama
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A good continuation of the series not as much action in this book, a lot of hide and seek and preparations for things to come. However not as much going on in this book as the others. They also cut bits of Goku's training maybe to add to the mystique of the legendary Super Sayian to come later. This book is the Nemicican trip to the switcheroo. Then we also get 36 page cover gallery.

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Dragon Ball (3-in-1 Edition), Vol. 7: Includes Vols. 19, 20 21

Dragon Ball (3-in-1 Edition), Vol. 7: Includes Vols. 19, 20  21Dragon Ball (3-in-1 Edition), Vol. 7: Includes Vols. 19, 20 21 by Akira Toriyama
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Another great collection of Dragon Ball comics. The first fight between Goku and Vegeta. Then another glimmer of hope from the Dragon Balls. There were 2 types of types of art work in this collection, I personally prefer the darker art work, however the other artwork was great as well. Great action and art. I am also impressed with the way they managed to condense the story covering all the important parts, and leaving out all the rubbish. The the 36 page art gallery at the end.

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Dragon Ball (3-in-1 Edition), Vol. 6: Includes vols. 16, 17 18

Dragon Ball (3-in-1 Edition), Vol. 6: Includes vols. 16, 17  18Dragon Ball (3-in-1 Edition), Vol. 6: Includes vols. 16, 17 18 by Akira Toriyama
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The book opens up with the end of the 23 Strongest under Heaven tournament. A great final fight, that definitely lived up to its main event status. I do love that there are super moves are based in Martial Arts techniques. This books marks the end of the Dragon Ball series and the start of Dragon Ball Z. A new threat is coming and it is big enough for two mortal enemies work together. A really good collection again awesome action and great artwork. Good story as well, and the left out all the stupid parts great condensed beginning of the Sayian arc. All 36 covers are in the cover gallery.

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Dragon Ball (3-in-1 Edition), Vol. 4: Includes vols. 10, 11 12

Dragon Ball (3-in-1 Edition), Vol. 4: Includes vols. 10, 11  12Dragon Ball (3-in-1 Edition), Vol. 4: Includes vols. 10, 11 12 by Akira Toriyama
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Great collection. The Strongest under Heaven tournament, and this time the fight are even better then the first time round. This 3 in 1 volume really highlighted how far the characters have come especially in the martial arts. However this time Goku must face something truly demonic. New friends, new enemies and a couple that change sides. Great art work and lots of action what more can I want. How about a cover 36 page cover gallery. All round awesome.

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Dragon Ball (3-in-1 Edition), Vol. 5: Includes vols. 13, 14 15

Dragon Ball (3-in-1 Edition), Vol. 5: Includes vols. 13, 14  15Dragon Ball (3-in-1 Edition), Vol. 5: Includes vols. 13, 14 15 by Akira Toriyama
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

An Awesome issue, to start with the battle with King Piccolo, and just get better for there. The fights a grown in keep a an bounds. Not just physically but in powers and technique as well. More fire balls and superhuman techniques, but also tempered with tactics. Great stuff. I love the there is always someone stronger, streak through the book. How far is Goku willing to got to save his friends, and is there no limit to Goku's potential. Another great collection of book in one great action and warrior spirit.

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Dragon Ball (3-in-1 Edition), Vol. 3: Includes vols. 7, 8 9

Dragon Ball (3-in-1 Edition), Vol. 3: Includes vols. 7, 8  9Dragon Ball (3-in-1 Edition), Vol. 3: Includes vols. 7, 8 9 by Akira Toriyama
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Great art work and plenty of action, that is what I wanted and that is what I got. I loved it. I loved almost every page of this 3 in 1 volume.

The only think I would say is I am not sure that these are suitable for younger readers. I know they have a teen rating and if it was just the violence I would be fine with that, but add a topless picture for almost no reason this I don't understand. The comic was going great why bother?

A great action packed volume, with a couple of grisly deaths, but you have to expect this in an action packed comic. I like how Goku is evolving. He is improving in strength and technique as well. A great set of volumes, also I get a 36 page cover gallery. Without the little blip for no reason I can think of, this would have been the perfect volume. Definitely the best 3 in 1 so far.

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Sunday, 28 October 2018

Bitching Bits of Bone

Bitching Bits of BoneBitching Bits of Bone by Norman Mounter
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. I have not connection to Dr Norman Mounter.

I did enjoy this book. I think Mounter managed to capture the danger and brutality of medieval England perfectly. There is a lot of darkness in this book, but it is broken up with bits of dark humour.

I do not remember much of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales as I last read it at school, but I did really enjoy this book. There are parts of this book, gave me nightmares and I can't get out of my head. I am sure anyone with kids will understand where I am coming from. However this book had me laughing out loud in places. I think the dark humour came at the right time, to get rid of the proper darkness and dogma of the era.

The one thing I would say was this book would have been perfect as a play. The style of "asides", monologue and dialogue for each character would have been absolutely perfect in a playwright format, and the fact that is set in Medevil England just makes that format suit this book perfectly.

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Monday, 24 September 2018

WWE Vol. 3: Roman Empire

WWE Vol. 3: Roman EmpireWWE Vol. 3: Roman Empire by Dennis Hopeless
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A really good Comic. In the world where the WWE is real. Roman Reigns the big dog with an even bigger chip on his shoulder, he knows he has a destiny, the drive, the build, the bloodline, but the fans have never taken to him as they has to his former "brothers".

Using his rage to fuel him Roman has made it to the top but his past is right on his heels. Good action, and an okay story, the last issue completes the circle of the beginning and end of the Shield. The cover gallery also has all the variant covers including some tributes to past legends. The thing I did not like about this book is then end I hate books ending before the end of a fight. I don't care if it is artistic I don't like it. Which is the only reason I did not give this 5 stars.

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Legion: Lies of the Beholder

Legion: Lies of the BeholderLegion: Lies of the Beholder by Brandon Sanderson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed the conclusion to the Legion trilogy. So much so I do not want it to end, I keep trying to think of new ways he could come back, or what his future holds.

Legion gets a message from his past that will definitely affect his future. He is given the choice of his life, but to find peace he must first face his nightmares.

It was awesome seeing these characters evolve and grow, I know Legion' s pain. Though the characters are not real I will miss them. A great story a bit on the short side with a more bitter the sweet ending. Legion the series might be finished but but he will be remembered.

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Saturday, 22 September 2018

Basic Yoga for Improving Flexibility

Basic Yoga for Improving FlexibilityBasic Yoga for Improving Flexibility by Aventuras De Viaje
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. I have no connection to Aventuras De Viaje.

A very good reference book to yoga poses. Good instruction and helpful diagrams on how to carry out the poses. I did question the idea of having the poses in alphabetical order. As certain poses start from other poses that are later on in the alphabet. O realises the ideas of using this book as a reference on how to carry out the different poses was the reason for this as it makes the pose easy to find and the book is short enough that it is easy to flick through to the pose you want. Though you do have to know the name of the poses to do this. So as a recommendation I would say read the book all the way through before starting any out the poses. For intermediate to advanced practitioners you will see many of the poses you know it maybe a couple of new ones.

The only thing I did not find in this book was that, at the beginning of every pose there is a warning of not doing the pose if you have certain injuries, but it does not tell you that poses to do to target certain body parts. There is a small section at the end of the book describing sequences of exercises/poses to do together. A very great reference book for beginners, and refresher or fresh look for people getting back into Yoga.

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The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Vol. 4

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Vol. 4The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Vol. 4 by Akira Himekawa
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A great high paced, action packed book that really brings the game to life. The only problem I had with the book is it seemed to go so fast the I kept thinking that I might have missed something or was a page missing.

I really saw Link's evolution since the first book. From the reluctant hero then, to the more seasoned warrior now. Embracing his destiny, his powers and skills. What gaming character would be complete with power ups and upgrades. In this book Link gets both.

I really enjoyed this book. The art work is great and detailed, the story is good, and there is plenty action. However it seemed a little rushed, almost like they had too much to cram into too few pages. I just wish the book was longer. I can't wait to see the reckoning hinted at the end of this book.

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Thursday, 20 September 2018

Dragon Ball (3-in-1 Edition), Vol. 2: Includes vols. 4, 5 6

Dragon Ball (3-in-1 Edition), Vol. 2: Includes vols. 4, 5  6Dragon Ball (3-in-1 Edition), Vol. 2: Includes vols. 4, 5 6 by Akira Toriyama
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is more like it. I love the all out action of this collected edition. It even contained some martial arts techniques. I loved the youth and raw strength of Son Goku Vs the techniques and experience of a master. I actually liked the fact the even though Goku is young his aptitude for learning (in the martial arts anyway) is shown. During the rest of the book Goku is on a quest to collect the Dragon Balls again running across the red Ribbon army, though there is no one who can actually give him a real fight at least there is plenty of action that is what the series should really be about right.

Great art work, lots of action, and the story moving along what is not to like. Also a cover gallery of all 36 issues collected in this collected volume. This is Dragon Ball the way it should be, eve the silly parts I did not mind as there was so much action in the book.

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Forbidden Hybrid

Forbidden HybridForbidden Hybrid by T.J. Spade
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I wanted to like this book, I always loved the Hybrid idea of the stealth and agility of Vampire and the speed and strength of a Ware-wolf. The pace of the book is very slow. By the end of the book I am not even sure what powers Vampires and Ware-wolves have. Even by the end the book left more questions then answers.

The book started off quite promisingly the world know supernatural creatures exist, and for the most part they live along side the population. Though they are called supernaturals their origins seems to by more science bases, but there is a lot missing in this book.

A very slow paced book, I mean just under half the book is the origin story told over and over again. The most redeeming quality of the book is the characters are very likable. I actually like the fact that Marve does take charge of the other when they will not make a decision. Actually the hybrid idea is pretty good as well, but executed not executed as well as it could have been. Also the book leaves many too many loose ends for me.

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Dragon Ball 3 in 1 edition vol 1

Dragon Ball (3-in-1 Edition), Vol. 1: Includes vols. 1, 2  3Dragon Ball (3-in-1 Edition), Vol. 1: Includes vols. 1, 2 3 by Akira Toriyama
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I can't help but be very disappointed with this book. My kids are fans of Dragon Ball Super, I grew up on Dragon Ball Z but never got round to watching the original. After reading the beginning I was glad I missed it. It was not till issue 14 that anything I liked from the series was even shown.

There is more innuendo then action in this book. The story is very slow moving, the art work is great. I like a couple of in "breaking the 4 wall" speech, and in fairness the books started to get a lot better from round about issues 14. There were still silly parts here but they were fewer after this issue. I am glad I bought the 3 on 1 as I probably would have given up on this if I only had the first volume. Each volume contains 12 issues/episodes. At the back there is a cover gallery containing 36 covers.

Unless you desperately want to see the first meeting between Goku and some of his (later to be) best friends I would skip most of the first volume. I don't understand why Goku was so small in the book. He is supposed to be 14 but look like a 6 year old and is sillier then a 2 year old. Hope the the next volume builds on the fact test the later issues were better and go not decide to go backwards.

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Saturday, 15 September 2018

Solo: A Star Wars Story: Expanded Edition

Solo: A Star Wars Story: Expanded EditionSolo: A Star Wars Story: Expanded Edition by Mur Lafferty
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I was slightly disappointing with this book. In fairness it did get better towards the end, but it was a bit too little too late. This is the third Han Solo book to come out since Disney took over the Star Wars franchise. I hated Last Shot, and Love Most Wanted. This book is somewhere between two.

I am a little disappointing with the way such a legend has been treated, like in Last Shot I felt Han was over shadowed by the side characters in the story. I know why Disney is doing this it is so they can develop their own characters, however I do feel such an important character should be given a proper moment of glory especially since his death in the series. In this book Han comes across as more of a lucky bumbling loser, relying on other to save him. Though he does show the beginning of becoming the of who he is to become towards the end of the book. I did also like the little twist on the debate of "who Shot first".

An okay book, that has a good links from the other books, and with some interesting revelations that I hope will be explored later in other movies or series, but I really wish this book was more about Han learning his trade rather then stumbling his was through it or being upstaged by side characters.

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