Saturday, 19 January 2019

Spider-Man: Maximum Carnage

Spider-Man: Maximum CarnageSpider-Man: Maximum Carnage by Tom DeFalco
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is one of my faverite Spider-Man story arcs. It action packed from beginning to end and securely places Spider-Man as one of the big heroes in the Marvel universe. WHERE HE SHOULD BE!!!

As good as the action is there is also a good storyline between Mary Jane Parker and Peter. How he balances his life as Spider-Man and his personal life has to take a back seat in this time of crisis. I think there is a very powerful part in the of the book where Peter is out being the hero, but MJ is home worried and scared.

The other thing that is done really well, is team Carnage is pretty united, the heroes are changing between oppersite points of views on how to deal with Carnage from their two leaders Spider-Man and Venom. You see both sides of the debate.

Then there is how Spider-Man is held in high regard by other heroes and people. There is a great message of not giving up and doing better, which is what Peter Parker/Spider-Man has always been about before Disney devolved his character for me.

Great comic collection, action packed, great story and inspirational the way comics should be.

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Factfulness: Ten Reasons We're Wrong About the World – and Why Things Are Better Than You Think

Factfulness: Ten Reasons We're Wrong About the World – and Why Things Are Better Than You ThinkFactfulness: Ten Reasons We're Wrong About the World – and Why Things Are Better Than You Think by Hans Rosling
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A very good book, with a very important message about finding facts from data, and more importantly finding the truth in all the information fed to us.

This is the a last effort from Hans Rowling, and him long time contributors (family). It contains real stories and new ways of looking at world data as well as new ways of thinking.

The message I really took away from this book is the world is not perfect. We have a lot of work to do, but to not forget all we have achieved, to take encouragement from this, to continue to improve.

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Wednesday, 16 January 2019

Yes, My Accent Is Real

Yes, My Accent Is RealYes, My Accent Is Real by Kunal Nayyar
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I really liked this book. I have to say I liked this book a lot more than I thought I would. I don't know If it was Kunal writing in Raj's voice, or Raj was the character Kunal's life experiences had completely prepared him to play.

Kunal's self humour of himself and his culture is tongue in cheek funny. With everyone becoming more and more politically correct. This make a great change of place. Even though Kunal is a very funny fellow there is a genuinity about him that makes him really likeable.

The book starts from Kunal's early life, growing up in India, coming to America, his work and sacrifice till he got his big break, to meeting the live of his life. The book Is full of great advice given to Kunal which he wishes to pass on. This a great book for anyone who is a fan of Big Bang Theory, Raj or Kunal.

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Wings of Dragca (Protected by Dragons, #5)

Wings of Dragca (Protected by Dragons, #5)Wings of Dragca by G. Bailey
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


I really liked this book, I wish there was a bit more on the fighting side of the action. This was the only reason I did not give it 5 stars, as the actual war part and the clash of Queens was just too rushed for me.

A great ending to the series, and good way to link into another series, there by extending them both. The path of destiny is in front of Isola, now she must find the courage and support to take it. The final fate of Dragca will be decided.

A great series, though it did feel a bit rushed in places. There are plenty of things that could be expanded on in the future. With the series linked who knows where these characters might appear again.

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Marvel's Spider-Man: Hostile Takeover

Marvel's Spider-Man: Hostile TakeoverMarvel's Spider-Man: Hostile Takeover by David Liss
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

An ok Spider-Man story. A good introduction to the world of the gaming Spider-Man. I really do wish there was a lot more action in the book. The unravelling of a mystery style of the the book was good but a bit too slow.

A couple of complaints I did have in this book. Why there was a need to rip off a Daredevil storyline and character for this book. One thing I was upset about is do author forget how strong Spider-Man is? Yes he is as lean as Fisk is massive but the strength difference between them is completely unreal. Spider-Man can lift 10 tonnes, 15 after the other storyline. It annoyes keep forgetting this and turn7ng home into a punching bag. Daredevil Vs Fisk would be a competitive fight, a fight between Fisk and Spider-Man would be the equlivent of a strong toddler fighting a strong adult in their prime. See Back in Black for how a fight between the Kingpin and Spider-Man should go.

I the the game version of Spider-Man is getting his own comic now. This book is a great introduction to this world and finishes more or less where the game starts from. A lot of side characters are introduced in new roles and lives to be explored later in the game and comics.

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Fireside Chat with a Grammar Nazi Serial Killer

Fireside Chat with a Grammar Nazi Serial KillerFireside Chat with a Grammar Nazi Serial Killer by Ryan Suvaal
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review I have no connection to Ryan Suvaal.

I good quick read into the deranged and predatory mind of a serial killer. The scariest thing about this book is how close to reality it is. Even though it is set a couple of year in the future the technology and dealing of the dark web are already a problem today.

The on the dark web you can get anything from red rooms to interviews with deranged psychopaths where they feel they cannot be traced, but what does the killer gain from meeting their "fan's"? Is there an even more sinister game at play.

All I can say I hope the Grammar Nazi does not come after reviewers.

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HumanityHumanity by Zaman Ali
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Duality of human nature

Quite a disappointing book. Being dyslexic I like to give people the benefit of the doubt when it comes to spellings, and grammar. However this book had the most grammatical mistakes I have ever read in a published book. It almost looks like the book was written in another language and put through a translator program, but not proof read. Even this I could forgive if the message and contents are good.

This might prove I am not an academic philosopher. The ideas in the book are quite sound but continually repeating the same point and following circular logic to come back to the point made at the beginning I am not a fan of. Also one thing I really did not like is there are a lot of problems highlighted in this book, but very few practical solutions. The subject of the book is the duality of human nature, being of individual mindsets but also wanting to live in society. Dome think of the good society can do for them, and others the good they can do for society.

I respect Zaman Ali for achieving and living his dream of being known as and writing philosophy in the style of his own heroes, but the book really has too many minus then plus points. I could be this books appeals to the more classic philosophical mind then mine. The book Is to repetitive, because of which some of the good points made are lost, and there are some good points made in this book. Also there are too few answers in the book for me.

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Issrilla the Creeping Menace

Issrilla the Creeping Menace (Beast Quest, #69)Issrilla the Creeping Menace by Adam Blade
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A good Beast Quest book. Not the best book in the series, but quite action packed. I think coming up to the half way point of the 12 series, too many things were tried in this book, making it very rushed.

There was plenty of action in this book but the results felt very underwhelming. So far Tom and Elenna have been very much on the defensive, I am hoping in the next book they can get back on the offensive.

I always judge these book is I can set it as a punishment if my boys don't get a story which was once again the case with this book.

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