Wednesday, 26 December 2018

Brief Answers to the Big Questions

Brief Answers to the Big QuestionsBrief Answers to the Big Questions by Stephen Hawking
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A great book, by a great man. I had heard the name Steven Hawking, but never read any of his theories. Simply for the very reason the something coming from the smartest men of the previous 2 generations would be overly complicated and beyond my understanding. What I discovered in this book is Steven Hawking was just a great man as we was a scientist, but an incredible teacher as well. His method of writing allows people like, who have a passing interest in but only a vacation of his ability in science to understand his work. This skill cannot be understated as if the most knowledgeable person in the world cannot comuninate their knowledge it is list with them. Sort of like sending it into a black hole.

The book is easily readable, Hawking' s dry wit and sense of humour makes reading and learning from it a pleasure. The metaphors on this book allowed me to grasp the basics of even the most complicated theories easily. Though I differ from him from a belief perspective, I do respect his ideas and I think like any great teacher Hawking would have welcomed this difference of opinion as a show of curiosity towards finding the truth.

I am sure his views, and more in-depth theories will go a long way towards solving many of the great world wide problems highlighted in this book that we face today.

I would recommend this book to any. It is a great read, and I don't thing anyone can read this book without learning something from it or seeing something a different way. Also it give a great insight into Steven Hawking as a person for people who know him best or colleagues of his, but from his own writing style. He has a great sense of humour, and amazing determination. This is a great final word and goodbye to a man who's theories will inspire many and live on far into the future. One day some of these theories might even become scientific laws one day.

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Friday, 21 December 2018

Fire and Blood: A History of the Targaryen Kings from Aegon the Conqueror to Aegon III as scribed by Archmaester Gyldayn

Fire and Blood: A History of the Targaryen Kings from Aegon the Conqueror to Aegon III as scribed by Archmaester Gyldayn (A Targaryen History; A Song of Ice and Fire)Fire and Blood: A History of the Targaryen Kings from Aegon the Conqueror to Aegon III as scribed by Archmaester Gyldayn by George R.R. Martin
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I was expecting a lot more from this book. The book reads like a history text book. This is by design, I think to make the book feel more authentic, but this works too well as it comes across a bit dry and boring. It took me a long time to get through this book simply as at time I just did not feel like reading more then a few pages at a time. I can actually say I know the Targaryen family history better the our actual royal family's.

I do have to say there were a
couple is stories like Argon I and king Jaehaerys that were really good, and there were hints of things that have not yet been seen in the main series, as well as more of the big families of the realm and free cities. Lots of brutality that Game of Thrones is known for.

The main thing that made this a 3 star book rather that 2 for me is the art work. Doug Wheatly did an awesome job on the illustrations. All in all I think only very "leal" of fans or historians will actually enjoy this book.

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Saturday, 15 December 2018

WWE Original Graphic Novel: Undertaker: Undertaker

WWE Original Graphic Novel: Undertaker: UndertakerWWE Original Graphic Novel: Undertaker: Undertaker by Dundas
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Call me biased, or nostalgic I don't care. The Undertaker, The Dead man, The Phenom was a huge part of my childhood and early adult life. There is a reason he was so successful, loved by us fans, and respected by every member of the WWF/WWE locker room or any wrestler ever.

This comic is a great look back at key moments of his career and "life". Not all of his great moments have been caputred simply as there are just too many. In comics in ring stories are real. There are plenty of action shots of the Takers signature moves and poses, and his different looks over years. The book finishes with the Taker having a sense of peace, this is definitely how I would like to remember him. I really don't think he has anything left to prove in the ring, and it would really be sad for a legend like him to only be brought back to job for an up and coming youngster, but

"It's in the blood"

So we never know. This is a great tribute/Thank you story, a must have for all fans.

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Rise: Surviving the Fight of My Life

Rise: Surviving the Fight of My LifeRise: Surviving the Fight of My Life by Paige VanZant
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A very different book to what I was expecting.  On the surface Paige VanZant's life seem like everything is great. She has the job she loves, with many perks and endorsement.  She seems like to be a happy go lucky all American girl. However the scars on her spirit are internal. Despite her battles in the Octogen, her life has been her greatest battleground.

Paige's story is a dark tale, and a testament to her strength of character that she came out the other side but that she has actually survived let alone thrived. Only probably the last quarter of the book is dedicated to MMA, but the story of her struggle carries a very important message to others going through similar situations. If she can inspire others to talk about their situations rather the suffer in silence. I know I was invested in the book as I could feel my blood boil at the thought of a victim being made out as the villain. I did have one question of the book, at the beginning Paige mentions a brother but, he seems to be no support whatsoever and stop seem to disappear completely, or us just not mentioned at all on the book.

A very good book. Not what I expected, till I read the intro. I am a big believer in the positive mental effects of martial arts and am very glad she found this to be the case and a lifeline. It does scary me that things like this can actually happen, such bullying and abuse can go on, unnoticed, unchallenged and unpunished. I really hope someone reads this and us inspired to be themselves and not suffer alone.

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A Secret or Two About Me and You

A Secret or Two About Me and YouA Secret or Two About Me and You by Moses Guru
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received a free copy of this book in exchange for a honest review. I have no connection to Moses Guru.

A very good quick read. The book follows a similar template of the re-comandments, but where as the other book were written in the style of interesting conversations, this is more bite sized information. Lots of interesting ideas, some of which will be familiar to people who have read Moses Guru's other books.

A good little book, it does fit well into the self-help category, and part psychology. I do really like the simple explanations, making the book easily digestible.

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Sunday, 9 December 2018

Smuggler's Blues

Smuggler's Blues (Star Wars Adventures, #4)Smuggler's Blues by Cavan Scott
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This book was slightly better then I thought it would be. It two, two part main stories, and a single story.

The first main two parter, was features the young Han Solo and Chewie. I quite enjoyed this story as it showed Han actually using tactics, as well as his blaster and his ship. In usual Han fashion things seem to go from bad to worse, but Han manages to come out on top. An ok to good story.

Of course whenever Disney seem to do a Han story Lando cannot be far behind. Lando has gone straight now can he inspire the next generation to to do the same? An ok story not really any surprises in it.

The final story involves a character who look like Bucky O Hair, but has a Han Solo complex. This was another ok story, with a couple of cameo apperences, but I really did not see what the point if the story was.

All in all an okay collection of short stories, okay but nothing great.

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Montana Guardian: A Guardian Security Novella

Montana Guardian: A Guardian Security Novella (The Kings of Guardian)Montana Guardian: A Guardian Security Novella by Kris Michaels
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Another great book, even though the actual Kings of Guardian do not make more then a cameo in this book. This is a great short story. I am sure the their is a link to the main story line in here. Could be a puzzle.

Kris Michaels has a knack of getting me to really care about her characters, no matter the length of the book. This one is no different even though I have read of one of the characters as a cameo in another book. Van' s is a great story. It was the the short story I needed right now.

There are some disturbing themes of abuse in this book. I think they were necessary for the story, but we also see the Kings will bend a couple of rules to help their friends. Great quick read to be enjoyed as a stand alone or part of the series.

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WWE: Then. Now. Forever Vol. 2

WWE: Then. Now. Forever Vol. 2WWE: Then. Now. Forever Vol. 2 by Eric Harburn
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I bought this book out of simple nostalgia and is did not disappoint. The book covers some of the most prominent debut, returns and moments in WWE/WWF history. I can't say I loved the artwork in the book but I did remember most of the moments well (more WWF stuff).

I really do like the way these comics are written as if the "characters" played by the wrestlers are real. The book contains legendary debut, returns to glory, retirements, and some stories that are just there to fill space. It is really because of stories like these "Goobiltgook", that I took a star off.

One story I will I must coment on is the first one. The Montreal Screw Job. This is told from the Shawn Michaels character point of view, and paints Shawn as a bit of a victim here. This as a proud Bret Hart fan I cannot stand for!!! Yes it is no secret that Bret and Shawn were never good friends, and had a personal rivalry, and yes wrestling is a business. Though Shawn in his own words was VERY involved in the planning of the "Screw Job". Read the introduction of his first book Heartbreak and Triumph for an account of what happened.

Great to see my old faves and including "Phenomenal" new talent, we well as reliving great moments. Just slightly spoiled a bit by a couple of pointless stories and a bit too cartoony artwork. I wish the art work from the cover galley or cover art was used on the inside as well.

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Understanding Our Cosmos: The Philosophical Way

Understanding Our Cosmos: The Philosophical WayUnderstanding Our Cosmos: The Philosophical Way by Bhaktee Kale
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I recived a free copy of ths book in exchange for an honest review. I have no connection to Bhaktee Kale.

A good little book. I am not a philosopher, so I like the simple format of the book and the arguments are well thought out, and the writing style is more of an easy discussion format. Which I also like, rather the continuous quotes of what some philosopher said. There are some quotes but the quote is discussed and explained. In a theory format so nothing can be taken as fact.

The only down side is it is a bit too simple on some places, and in one chapter I think the author went on a tangent then came back to the topic. Also I am not sure of the title, there is not much talk of the Cosmos in the book. Unless the author includes us all as cosmic and God as a cosmic entities.

I think the simple format is great for non hard-core philosopher types like me, to them it probably would seem too simple, but I quite liked it so it deserved a round up rather then down.

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